Image courtesy Groupuscule (Wikipedia)
I remember the first time I saw you; your our distinctive rugged brick exterior was love at first sight. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t stumbled across you before. It was a challenge to find you on this beautiful summer evening, but the journey was definitely worth it along this quiet cut of Baltimore.
When we were at the pool, I remember watching the sun set slowly behind your historically aged bricks. Your pool area looked like something out of a movie about the Greek Gods—the beautiful lighting and those pillars set the mood.
Your open landscape in the lobby is simplicity done right. I experienced a moment of bliss and peace. When I left, I only wished that I could move in so that I could experience that feeling every day. The close proximity to Druid Hill Park would suggest that you wouldn’t be so hidden. Being hard to find just added to your glory.
During your prime in the late-19th century, you were used for the assembly of large machines. The massive 80-foot ceilings reflect how big these machines were. During the 20th century, the world’s largest sand wheel was assembled here. In 1995, you were almost destroyed by a fire. You stood strong and survived, and it only added to your character. Your presence in this city was pivotal during the industrial era in Baltimore, when steel mills, shipping yards, and assembly buildings were full of blue-collar workers. You helped so many people in life.
Today, you’ve been renovated and revitalized into loft-style apartments. These two story lofts are some of the best in the city. With the open floor plans and the multiple levels, anyone would be lucky to call you home. With your combination of historic industrial architecture and modern design, you are a diamond in the rough. You are also home to office and retail space. You are close to the rail tracks, which just add to the overall rustic atmosphere that I felt being near you. Your interiors remind me of art galleries—simplistic but somehow breathtaking.
Benjamin Thornton
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