February 27, 2020 / Events

Lunchtime Lectures – Unbuilt Polder: Markerwaard (Gerda Roeleveld)

March 11 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | FREE
Dolphin Design Center, 100 Dolphin Street, Room 500, Baltimore, MD 21201

Doors open at 11:45, there will be signs navigating, and someone to open the door. The event will be in Room 500.

The 2020 Lunchtime Lectures explore connections to the Spring Lecture Series “Unbuilt” theme with local firms, designers, academics and allied organizations. In the Baltimore Architecture Foundation’s tradition of free brown bag lunchtime presentations, please bring your lunch and join us for a presentation and discussion. AIA CEUs are eligible for self-reporting.

Gerda Roeleveld presents the curious case of how the land reclamation project “Markerwaard” in the Netherlands went unbuilt. The first ideas to impolder the area date back almost 350 years and the changes in urgencies and goals over the past 100 years are well documented and informative. There is a treasure of old maps and policy documents, and the results of a design competition to explore. Roelevled will link the unbuilt future of the Markerwaard to recent developments in that same area and to the larger context of sea level rise and land subsidence.

About the presenter

Gerda Roeleveld is a landscape architect (MSC Wageningen University, with distinction) and photographer (BA ArtEZ Institute of the Arts Arnhem). She has broad experience as a practitioner in the field of spatial analysis, visioning and spatial planning policy development. For over 20 years she worked for the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment in The Netherlands, on spatial planning topics at the national and European Union level. After joining Deltares, an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface in Delft, she specialized further in water management questions and was involved in projects under the Dutch Delta program. The ambition to integrate state of the art scientific knowledge into landscape design processes is the common thread in her career.

See the full Spring Lecture Series lineup