When: Saturday, February 20 / 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
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Categorized under: Partner Programs

Vanishing Heritage: Baltimore County’s Historic African American Communities (Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County)

Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County presents: Carolyn Greenfield Adam, Historian & Preservation Alliance Board Member

Vanishing Heritage: Baltimore County’s Historic African American Communities

Baltimore County’s forty historic African American communities developed based on Maryland’s history of coexisting slave and free Black populations and the resulting legal and social segregation. The existence of these communities and their buildings helped to preserve their mostly overlooked history. But development and societal changes are adversely impacting these historic places. In rural Northern Baltimore County many have already disappeared leaving few traces. You have probably driven past or even lived nearby many of them without even realizing it. Those that do remain are important for what they can teach us about this largely undocumented part of Maryland’s history.

This presentation will give an overall view of that history and look at several of the remaining communities or structures in more detail.

Topic: Baltimore County’s Historic African American Communities

Time: Feb 20, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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