When: Tuesday, March 30 / 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
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Replenish: Supporting the Virtuous Cycle of Water and Prosperity (Smart Growth)

Humans have long disrupted the natural water cycle.  Yet we continue to suffer from droughts, floods and other disruptions despite building dams and levees and completing other feats of engineering.

What if, instead of further disrupting the water cycle, we sought to repair and replenish it?

Join the Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network at 1 p.m. Eastern, Tuesday, March 30, as Sandra Postel, one of the world’s foremost freshwater experts, explores projects and approaches worldwide that work with nature’s rhythms to safeguard drinking water, reduce polluted runoff, replenish depleted rivers and aquifers, and capture rainwater to curb urban flooding.